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News and Results
Celebrate in our wonderful achievements and results.

English Championships
March 2024
Telford, England
Georgia and Stacey travelled to England to compete at the extremely popular English Championships. Georgia showed some lovely gymnastics, competing a clean bar routine, a new double pike on floor and achieving a huge 12.4 on vault with a yurchenko straight somersault.
Club and IOM Grades
March/April 2024
Ellan Vannin Gymnastics
We had a lot of entrants this year, competing with the new grades rules.

Northern European Championships​
September 2024
Dublin, Ireland

The senior and junior girls along with their coach Stacey, travelled to Dublin, Ireland to gain more experience competing at an International event. The girls were performing many new skills with achieving a lot of personal goals during the event. Despite some injuries restricting some performances, the girls competed well under the circumstances. A huge difference was competing for the first time on a podium - the girls said they really enjoyed how professional this made the competition.
Liverpool Open
September 2024
Liverpool, UK

Our younger girls travelled to Liverpool to compete against a lot of gymnasts, mainly from the North West region of England. The girls competed in their age categories using the Classic Challenge rules. We had many success at this competition - a special mention to Bea who won her age category! A huge achievement! This was the first away competition for a lot of these girls, which can be quite daunting. The girls handled their nerves well to gain valuable experience ready for their next competition coming up.

Island Championships
October 2024
Manx Gymnastics
We had many competitors in the Island Championships this year, covering almost every category in the competition! EVGC won every category we entered - an overwhelming victory for our club. We are so incredibly proud of the commitment and dedication the gymnasts have put in this year to produce great gymnastics.
It goes without saying, a huge congratulations to the coaches who commit many hours to the sport in order to help these gymnasts achieve what they can.

Club Championships
October 2024
We had an exciting club championships this year - we hosted a joint competition, showcasing both the General and Artistic sides of our club. We are so proud of how many were able to compete and show off their amazing skills! What a great way to end the year for some of our gymnasts!
What a brilliant final competition of the year for EVGC! We had gymnasts entered in all of the categories of many ages. All the girls performed some lovely skills and even competed new skills for the first time.
It can sometimes be quite difficult to be competition ready so late in the competition season but the girls pulled it all together and competed super well in their teams.
It was great to compete against Garstang and Liverpool - hopefully see you again next year!
We can't wait to see what next year has in store for EVGC.
IOM Invitational​
October 2024
Manx Gymnastics